Upcoming events.

Lakeside Christmas Program
The children and adult choirs have been practicing and invite you to celebrate the Christ of Christmas with us!
Stay after for fellowship of finger foods and Christmas cookies.

Women’s Lunch
Join the fun at Baldo’s Restaurant,
22051 Telegraph, Brownstown.
Bring a $10.00 gift for a gift exchange. If you don’t want a to participate in gift exchange, still come and have lunch.
Questions, see Nancy Giles

Christmas Cookie Exchange
MUST be homemade
package in packs of half-dozen
Bring at least 2 dozen
You will leave with as many cookies as you bring
Lunch will be provided: Sub sandwiches and soup.
Bring extra cookies, if you want to share for dessert.

Due to holiday tomorrow,
all services and AWANA are
cancelled for this evening.

Womens Ministry LUNCH
Women - Meet us at the Farmer’s Cafe in Carleton
for lunch and fellowship!
141 Medical Center Drive - Carleton, MI 48117
11 a.m. 11-20-24

Shoeboxes due!
We participate in Samaritans Purse - Shoeboxes for Christmas. Our church family is asked to pack and pray over your box, and return to our church by Nov. 17th. Then Trish and Gabby deliver to a local drop off point. Our postage has all been paid by generous donor.

Pastor Appreciation Day
We love to celebrate Pastor Larry and the ministry here at Lakeside.
Services. Luncheon. No 6 p.m. services.

AWANA Begins!
After summer break, we are ready for more AWANA! For children age 2 through high school.
Kids learn about Jesus, memorize verses, sing, play, make friends and have snack and rec time. Every Wednesday 6-7:30 p.m. during the school year.

Lakeside Homecoming
Our annual homecoming event. We welcome our members, guests, and former members coming home for a visit.
Preaching. Luncheon. More preaching.
6 p.m. services cancelled.

Special Weekend Services
Join us for special services with Preacher Tim Jones from Mount Washington, KY
Saturday July 20 @ 6pm
Sunday July 21 for our Morning worship at 10:30 and evening worship at 6.

vacation bible school ‘24
Our annual outreach to the community and our kids! We LOVE VBS! Join the fun, Sunday - Thursday 6-8:30 p.m.

Friends & Family Day
Western Welcome Friends & Family Day
Sunday, June 9, 2024
Sunday School 9:30 a.m., Morning Worship 10:30 a.m.
Come hear the preaching, singing, have fellowship and visit our congregation on this special day. Immediately after services we will provide lunch, cowboy games, petting zoo, cake walk, bounce house and carnival treats. Dust off your cowboy hats and boots and head over to Lakeside for a visit!

AWANA Grand Prix
It’s our year end celebration for AWANA.
Kids race the cars they made. Food. Fun. Celebration.

Cinco de Mayo potluck
Bring a Mexican dish to pass. Or sign up to bring a taco topping! Meat provided. Join us after morning worship to enjoy fellowship and delicious foods.

Lakeside LUAU
Get out your Hawaii gear - there’s a dress up competition.
And food. And Games. Don’t forget the snow cones and cotton candy! Bring your own beach chair for a volley ball beach chair game - and for chilling in the side yard. Bring a dessert or side dish. AND a FRIEND!

Easter Sunday
Easter Sunday Services
8:30 - 9:30 Breakfast (Bring a dish to share)
9:30 - Sunday School (all ages)
10:30 - Morning Worship
evening services cancelled.
Have a blessed holiday! Christ Arose!

Egg Hunt & Easter Party at AWANA
This event is during our Wednesday night AWANA.
This is our Bible school for kids age 2- highschool.

Craft Night #2
Finish up your craft projects before Christmas! Homemade gifts are the best! Come to learn a new skill, or teach what you know. Food. Fellowship. Fun!

Trunk or Treat
Kids dress up. Adults dress up the backs of their vehicles and hand out candy! It’s a fun time for all. Music. Games. Snacks. Join the fun at Lakeside! We thank GOD for Kids!

AWANA Begins!
Wednesday Nights
6-7:30 p.m.
September 20 thru May 8
Ages 2—Highschool
SEPT 20 THEME: School Spirit - wear your colors or school spirit gear!
This no-cost, action-packed hour and a half has your kids learning about Jesus and memorizing scripture. Includes gym & snack time, songs and learning the Bible with their friends. Weekly themes add to the fun.
Learn more at our website: www.LakesideMBC.com
Lakeside Missionary Baptist Church: 8270 N. Dixie Hwy, Newport 48166

Craft Night #1
Volunteer crafters will have tables set up to teach you their craft! knitting, crochet, apron making, friendship bracelets. Come to teach. Come to learn. OR… bring your own project that you want to finish before Christmas! Enjoy food, Christian fellowship and using your hands!

Homecoming Celebration
Join us for our Homecoming Celebration, luncheon, and Singspiration service! We welcome you to join us as we celebrate the history of our church, the preaching. After lunch we invite everyone to join is singing and praise. Share a word, a verse, share a testimony or song. Let’s WORSHIP and praise for HIS goodness! (no evening service)

PreRegiater on Realm by visiting: https://onrealm.org/LakesideMission/PublicRegistrations/Event?linkString=OWNkYTM4N2MtZGU1NC00M2EzLWI0NjUtYjAxOTAxMDc5OTk0
Join the fun!
Sunday to Thursday nights…6-8:30
Ages 4 years to 8th grade.
Music, Bible, crafts, food, friends, FUN at our 2023 “Twists & Turns” VBS! Realm pre-registration

Mens Group FISH FRY
Men and guests are invited to join us in the fellowship hall for a fish fry. Cost is covered by men’s ministry - so this is a free event! Please sign up at the welcome desk. See Rob O. with questions.